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Cargo Statistics

Gain eye-opening insights in your cargo volumes 

Far beyond the limits of traditional reporting, Nallian's Cargo Statistics empowers you to run granular analyses that paint the full picture of your cargo streams. Armed with comprehensive, accurate insights you diagnose sub-optimal performance faster, detect more opportunities for growth, and take better business decisions that generate bigger benefits for your airport.

Make better decisions

Using Cargo Statistics you easily find answers to questions such as:

  • What’s the real origin and destination of the freight handled at my airport?
  • How much freight is being trucked away and to which airports?
  • What commodities is Airline X focusing on?

Using Cargo Statistics makes it possible for us to analyse freight routes in much more detail, using a wide range of parameters such as freight origin or final destination, commodities, airline, transport mode etc. 

Brussels Airport Company

Get more out of your existing data

Cargo Statistics is a periscope that taps into existing cargo and flight data flows. It empowers you to drill down in your data using the most complete set of parameters:

  • Handled weight/pieces
  • From/to
  • AWB origin/destination
  • Cargo type
  • Transport type
  • Airline
  • Special handling code
  • And many more

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