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dnata ensures optimal quality, security, and compliance with digital checklists using Check-it

No more paper-based checklists for dnata at BRUcargo. The ground handling agent uses the Check-it mobile and web app to run checks on pharma, damages, and dangerous goods. The digital approach  avoids back and forth mailing with customers and other stakeholders, maximizes quality and compliance, and operational staff appreciates the ease of execution. Kristel de Bruyn (Business Information Manager), Johan Rosiers (Business Unit Manager), and Gilles Raes (Duty Manager) explain how the solution is used. 


Key benefits

Efficiency gains

Document and warehouse parts of a check can be completed by different people, if needed in parallel, which saves time (compared to a dedicated person going up and down between office and warehouse.)

Quality & compliance

Clean reports are instantly shared with customers in the correct template.

No discussions

Real-time sharing of pictures, notifications, and reports reduces back and forth mailing and avoids discussions with customers and other parties involved in the process. 

Staff acceptance

Easy to use solution on (own) mobile device. Operators are guided through the process and presented with the correct version of checklists, avoiding errors.  

Used for inspection of

  • Pharma
  • Dangerous goods such as
    • Excepted quantities
    • Lithium
    • GMO
    • Magnetized
  •  Damages

How it works

  • Checklists are created in the web platform
  • Users identify shipments by scanning the barcode on the MAWB or entering the reference number
  • They are presented the relevant checklists based on their user profile, e.g. warehouse vs. office
  • Staff captures all information - including pictures - via the mobile app, on the company's mobile device or on their own mobile phone
  • Reports and notifications are generated and sent to customers and stakeholders automatically
  • All data is available in real-time in the mobile and web app 
The documentary and warehouse parts of the check can be executed in parallel by different people

You moved from a paper-based to a digital process. Did this impact your process? 

Johan Rosiers: "In the past, one officer did both the warehouse and documentary checks. He needed to walk up and down between the office and warehouse a lot, which was time-consuming and generated unnecessary risks. Today we can assign the documentary and warehouse parts of a check to different persons, who can even complete them in parallel. This is much more efficient. Captured information about a shipment is automatically grouped and visible in the app.”

What other benefits do you see?

Kristel De Bruyn: "We now provide more evidence that we’re officially required because it’s so easy. For example, we add pictures of the temperature logger. Providing such evidence avoids discussions with customers and other parties involved in the process. This saves us all time and improves our customer relationship

Information that is captured is automatically mapped against the correct template. It allows us to instantly send a neat report and status update to our customers. All data is available in the web app, which makes it easier for us to look up information if needed. 

Scanning a barcode (or entering the shipment reference number) will present the related checklist to be completed. 

"When registering the temperature of pharma shipments, we now also include a picture of the temperature logger. As a result, we have fewer disputes with customers or other stakeholders involved in the process."

Kristel De Bruyn - Business Information Manager

How is your operational staff working with the system? 

Johan Rosiers, Business Unit Manager - Office: "Our staff can use the mobile app on one of the company's mobile devices or they can download the app from the App Store of Google Play Store on their own mobile device. According to their user profile, they are presented the relevant checklists and are guided throughout the process. We no longer have the risk of using an outdated version of a checklist, having missing answers or unreadable comments. And they clearly prefer using digital tools over paperwork."

Says Gilles Raes, Duty Manager: "I think this system is so much better than the paper checklists we used before. I like that I don't need to carry around a pen and paper. I just use my mobile phone instead. You can call me lazy, but I enjoy it that the system tells me what to do, it's hard to make a mistake. Also, my handwriting is terrible, so I presume my colleagues are happy they no longer need to decipher my handwriting."

"I like that I don’t need to carry around a pen and paper. I just use my mobile phone instead. Also, my handwriting is terrible, so I presume my colleagues are happy they no longer need to decipher my handwriting.

Gilles Raes – Duty Manager

Want to explore Check-it could help your business?