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Auto Requests

Book visits directly from the Truck Management System

Facilitate Slot Booking and gain insights in booked capacity faster as slots are booked directly from your TMS System. Avoid duplicate data entry and secure slots faster in view of planned drives.

An automated, digital flow

1. Pre-announcement for accurate planning of resources 

As soon as an order is created in the TMS of the trucking company, the ground handler receives a pre-announcement of the pick-up or delivery.  Getting visibility on expected volumes, type of cargo etc. early in the process allows him to plan resources and inform staff ahead.

2. Automated Slot Booking in view of planned drives

Once the order is planned in the TMS, a time slot is automatically booked at the handler according to the specifics of the driven and the order, such as ETA, import/export, load meters, etc. Where possible, orders will be grouped into one slot, or booked in logical order (when at different locations), to minimize handling time and truck movements. 

3. Real-time Slot adjustment in view of ETA

When combined with the Dynamic Slot module During the drive, the actual ETA is updated via the Truckmeister app and time slots are adjusted accordingly; if an adjacent slot is unavailable the ground handler is invited to manually propose a new time

4. Easy communication with drivers 

At all times, the handler can communicate with the driver through the Truckmeister app. Messages are available in 9 different languages to support communication in the driver's native language. 

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